Breaking News

The U.S. Tax Court Decides Against Coca-Cola’s Transfer Pricing Tax Return Position

CPA Magazine Writers Guild

An appeals court should review a judicial interpretation from the U.S. Tax Court against the Coca-Cola Company because the Internal Revenue Service (hereinafter the “Service”) acted arbitrarily in switching the transfer-pricing method the company had to use, several BIG 4 firms argued Wednesday, March 19th. The IRS shouldn’t be allowed to...


Marital Dissolution Planning and Crowdfunding

Divorce Taxation

Sidney Kess, CPA, J.D., LL.M.

When couples split up, it’s still common for one party to make support payments to the other. Sometimes this continues until the death of the party receiving support; sometimes it...


The Bottom Line

Tax Strategies

Marital Dissolution Planning Post TCJA

Sidney Kess, CPA, J.D., LL.M.

The IRS reports that nearly 600,000 taxpayers claimed an alimony deduction on their 2015 returns (the most recent year for statistics) ( The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017...


Feature Stories

ESG in 2025: Evolving Terminology, Enduring Priorities – A G…

By Grady O'Rear

ESG—Environmental, Social, and Governance—has become a key factor in corporate decision-making. It measures how companies handle environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance structures. Even as the term ESG prompts political...


Financial Planner

Understanding Pay Options with the new DOL Regulations


This article is a follow up to the prior article which highlights the new regulations for the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) from the Department of Labor (DOL) raising the...


Client Tax Tip

How Interest Can Be Deducted When Money is Borrowed to Buy I…

Julie Welch, CPA, CFP

If a taxpayer borrows money to purchase investments, such as mutual funds, bonds or stock, the interest paid on the loan can usually be deducted. There are two limitations, however...


Editor Blog

CPAs Wanting to Do It Themselves

Joshua Fluegel

In its ongoing effort to stay on the forefront of developments in tax profession technology, CPA Magazine talks to Mark Strassman, president of Make My Day CPA. Strassman discusses CPAs’...


Tax Checklist

Non-Grantor Trust Planning Tips Benefit Many Clients

Martin M. Shenkman, CPA, MBA, PFS, AEP, JD

Why You Must Understand the New Planning Benefits of Non-Grantor Trusts The 2017 Tax Act dramatically changed tax planning. In the new tax environment, there are a number of significant income...

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